Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

The Impact Of Tooth Loss And How Dental Implants In Harley Street Can Help

The Impact Of Tooth Loss And How Dental Implants In Harley Street Can Help

Why it is important to visit the dentist when tooth loss occurs?

In order to maintain a healthy smile, it is important to understand the potential detrimental issues that can occur as a result of tooth loss. Whilst a smile with gaps is often considered unflattering, a patient may believe that it is just that, unappealing in appearance but nothing more than a cosmetic issue. However, in time tooth loss can cause degeneration of the jaw bone and as a result, in time, create problems with the bite, tooth misalignment and create a sunken facial appearance. Whether tooth loss has occurred naturally or due to an accident, it is therefore highly important to visit the dental practice to avoid problems further down the line.

What are Dental Implants in Harley Street and why choose them?

An implant is a small titanium screw which is placed directly into the jawbone. The small screw sometimes referred to as a post, is drilled into the jawbone and then left to heal. The bone around the screw begins to regenerate as a result of the screw insertion which in turn secures it firmly in place. This particular method of tooth restoration and replacement has many benefits including the stimulation of healthy bone growth around the dental implant. Irritation and rubbing are minimised as the implant is firmly secured and each custom made crown or bridge is securely fitted creating a natural-looking and feeling tooth.

The Impact Of Tooth Loss And How Dental Implants In Harley Street Can Help

Do the new teeth really look and feel natural when attached to an implant?

In the past, false teeth have been thought of as an uncomfortable, insecure and often plastic-looking replacement. This unappealing view of them has therefore encouraged people to shy away from having replacement and restoration work carried out. False teeth being thought of as unsightly and uncomfortable. However modern advances within the dentistry world mean that restorations and replacements have never felt or appeared more natural. Each custom made tooth is matched in colour and size to the patient’s natural teeth ensuring a dazzling smile is possible.

Using the combination of modern dentistry and the constantly advancing technology, the restoration of a person’s smile has never been easier. Using Dental Implants enables the patient to continue their day to day lives without speech being hindered or an alteration to their food consumption being necessary.

Once the procedure has been carried out, are check-ups required?

Similarly to all treatments and procedures, follow up appointments are necessary to ensure that the area where the implant has been fitted as healed efficiently and no problems have arisen. In most cases a temporary crown or bridge would have been fitted during the initial procedure in order to allow the area to heal first, the follow-up appointment will therefore include attaching the permanent replacements. If the area has healed sufficiently enough, it will just be regular dental check-ups following on which is the same as patients with all their own teeth.

All dental treatments and procedures carry potential risks. Therefore all patients are advised to seek further advice and information from their local dental practice.

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